Calcium Nitrate


Calcium Nitrate

$24.00 $20.00

This is a ZFC straight specialty fertilizer supplying calcium and nitrogen to all horticultural and field crops.

SKU: 854613298


Calcium Nitrate is a highly soluble fertiliser which can be applied to all horticultural and field crops via spray, fertigation, drench or cup application. It contains Calcium which protects horticultural crops like tomatoes and peppers from blossom end rot which is a Calcium deficiency. It is also recommended for the second top dressing of tobacco because of the lower Nitrogen percentage compared to Ammonium nitrate which allows the Nitrogen to be used up before harvesting commences, reducing chances of poor leaf colouring at curing

Additional information

Weight N/A

10kg, 20kg, 25kg, 5kg


25kg, 20kg, 10kg, 5kg


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